Hans van Loenhoud

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Hans van Loenhoud

Ordentliches Mitglied
Foundation Level, Requirements Elicitation, Niederländische Arbeitsgruppe

Hans van Loenhoud is an experienced IT-consultant, who wrote several books and articles, and presents at IT-conferences on matters about software testing, quality management and requirements engineering. All over the world, he provides consultancy and test management to customers and acts as a trainer in many different IT-courses. He has been active in IT for more than 30 years, starting as a software developer, working later on as a quality manager, and from 2000 mainly as a software tester. In 2010 he joined Polteq, the largest independent specialist in software testing in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Hans has a special interest in requirements engineering and is committed to bridge the gap between requirements engineering, development and testing. He developed Polteq’s requirements engineering training and helped many Dutch students to get IREB CPRE FL certified. For IREB, he participated in translating the IREB exam questions in Dutch and in developing the Requirements Elicitation syllabus.


Tel: +31 652 673 803
E-mail: hans.vanloenhoud@ireb.org
Twitter: @hansvanloenhoud


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