Prof. Martin Tornquist

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Prof. Martin Tornquist

Assoziiertes Mitglied
Brasilianische Arbeitsgruppe

MSc cum lauda in Computer Science in 1980 and for almost 20 years, professor of Software Engineering at UFRGS (southern Brazil's most prestigious public university) at postgraduate level.

Founder and Head of T&M Testes de Software,, a 30 year old Independent Software Validation and Verification company, focusing on Brazil's Financial and Communication Industries (we have been awarded the “Best Testing Methodology for the Brazilian Finance Market” by the Brazilian Banking Association) with service offerings in Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Quality by Design.

Founder of IBQTS ( a Software Testing Training provider and Certification body (where we developed Brazil's own Testing Syllabus and Glossary).

Prof. Martin is leading and is responsible for the translation of IREB's Syllabus and Glossary to Brazilian Portuguese.

You may contact me at +55 11 9165.7456 or thru my personal email


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