Dr. Sergio España

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Dr. Sergio España

Assoziiertes Mitglied
Spanische Arbeitsgruppe

Sergio España is a full-time lecturer (docent) in Utrecht University, where he teaches in the Bachelor in Information Science (Informatiekunde) and in the Master in Business Informatics. He is member of the Organisation and Information research group, where he leads the Responsible Software research line. His main research interest lies on enterprise modelling and ICT to support responsible enterprises. Other competences are information systems analysis, model-driven development, conceptual modelling, requirements engineering (RE), business process modelling, human-computer interaction, and empirical software engineering. He is co-author of Communication Analysis, an information systems RE method that can be applied stand-alone or within a model-driven development framework.

He received a PhD degree in Computer Science (2011) from Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV, Spain), where he formerly led the research group on Organisational Modelling and Requirements Engineering of the PROS Research Centre. His has participated in international applied-research projects (e.g. ITEA2 UsiXML, FP7 CaaS). He has taught BSc. and MSc. courses in several universities around the world (Spain, Netherlands, Chile, Paraguay, Colombia), as well as industry-oriented workshops.

He publishes in relevant RE and conceptual modelling conferences (e.g. RE, ER, CAiSE, INTERACT, RCIS, ICT4S) and journals (Software Qual J, Inform Syst, J Univers Comput Sci, Informatik-Spektrum, BISE, Inform Software Tech). Programme committee (PC) chair of RCIS 2016, PoEM 2015, CLEI Software Engineering Symposium (2014, 2013), and PC member of international conferences and workshops (e.g. CAiSE, REFSQ, ER, RCIS, HWID, ONTOSE, VORTE).


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