Craig Errey

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Craig Errey

Assoziiertes Mitglied
International Development

Craig is an industrial / organisational psychologist, software designer, business architect, and UI/UX designer, specialising in connecting people, work and technology. For 30 years, he’s designed complex software systems that are used by millions of people, every day. Craig holds a Masters in Applied Psychology from the University of New South Wales, Australia, and is a Registered Psychologist in Australia.

Craig is working a standard design process and visual blueprint that is to software engineering what architecture is to civil engineering. The problem to solve is that software engineering the only engineering discipline that does not have a visual blueprint. Instead, most software projects rely on hundreds, if not thousands, of pages of written requirements.

But, have you ever heard an engineer say: ‘You know, a thousand words really is better than a picture’? Written requirements can be ambiguous, incomplete and extraneous, and they’re constantly changing.

And, when there’s a formal software design step, it means that the purpose and nature requirements also has to change. For Craig, requirements is about defining the problems to solve and their causality. It’s to understand why things are the way they are in the workplace and what must be done to embed and sustain change. It’s also to collect the right information so it can be converted to the visual Software Design Blueprint.

The Software Design Blueprint works with Agile, waterfall, or any other development methodology, as well as any platform, technology, framework or user interface type. It also works whether you buy or build your solution, or upgrade or replace existing systems.


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