Fhyzics Business Consultants Private Limited

Trainingskurse: Foundation Level, Elicitation - Practitioner Niederlassungen: Chennai Trainingsregionen: International Kontakt: Fhyzics Business Consultants Private Limited
Level 5, Tamarai Tech Park,
Guindy, Chennai INDIA 600032
E-Mail: cs@fhyzics.com Website: fhyzics.com

Fhyzics Business Consultants Private Limited is focused on Solving Business Problems faced by Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises.


Fhyzics is a leader in business analysis, process improvement, project management, IT solutions and business analytics. Our verticals include IT, Banking and Finance, Healthcare, Hospitality, Retail, Film, Construction, Engineering, Automotive and Supply Chain.

Fhyzics helps organizations by identifying business issues, defining requirements and recommending solutions that best fits the business model. Be it developing/selecting a software application or equipment, we ensure that your organization adds the right capability to reach its business goals and objectives.

As practitioners in implementing business solutions to our client organizations, Fhyzics team of consultants have expertise in offering the best-in-class training on the following areas. Our certification trainings are aimed at not only to help the participants to attain the international professional credentials, but also to succeed in their profession by learning the best practices in the industry.

Fhyzics Services:

Business Consulting Services

Our team of experienced consultants with core capabilities in Business Analysis, Project Management, Process Improvement, Risk Management, Information Technology, Manufacturing and Supply Chain aid organisations to solve complex organizational issues at ease.

Process Excellence Services

Fhyzics designs a framework for your organization and implements it to achieve process excellence using benchmarking, lean and six sigma process improvement methodologies.

Function Enhancement Services

Fhyzics with years of expertise in process improvement in various industries can help you achieve excellence in project management, sales management, risk assessment and new product development.


Our technology solutions help you to realize your business requirements augmented with our strong business analysis expertise. You can be assured of getting what is desired for your organization.

Our other Trainings

  1. Business Analytics
  2. Scientific Sales
  3. Process Improvement - Lean, Six - Sigma and Benchmarking
  4. Business Strategy
  5. Process Refinement
  6. Certification of Competency in Business Analysis TM (CCBA®) & Certified Business Analysis Professional TM (CBAP®)
  7. Project Management Professional (PMP) ®
  8. PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA) SM
  9. Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP)
  10. New Product Development Professional (NPDP)

CPRE-Levels Offered



No 34, Sigamani Nagar 3rd Street
Madipakkam, Chennai INDIA 600091


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