CEPREI Certification Body

Trainingskurse: Foundation Level Niederlassungen: Guangzhou Trainingsregionen: China Kontakt: CEPREI Certification Body
No.110 Dongguan Zhuang RD.
Website: ceprei.org/english

CEPREI Certification Body has been long engaged in activities that improve the capability of software industry to help organizations achieve higher software productivity and quality.

For over 20 years, it has provided training and technical services on software to more than a hundred companies in and outside China.

CEPREI Certification Body has established a training and technical service solution that covers the full lifecycle of products from planning to maintenance. It offers software related training courses in both technical and managerial areas, including

  • Software requirements engineering (CPRE Foundation Level)
  • Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI)
  • Software Project Management (SPM)
  • Certified Software Quality Engineers (CSQE)
  • Software testing (ISTQB)
  • Software cost estimation (CCEP)
  • Agile software development
  • Software Configuration Management (SCM)
  • Etc.


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