
Trainingskurse: Foundation Level Niederlassungen: Amersfoort, Amsterdam, Dordrecht, Groningen Trainingsregionen: International Kontakt: Printerweg 52
3821 AD Amersfoort
E-Mail: info@polteq.com Website: polteq.com/en

Polteq, leaders in software testing

Polteq is the largest independent specialist in software testing in the Netherlands and Belgium, established in 2000 by Martin Pol, one of the founders of structured testing worldwide. Polteq’s test professionals are in demand worldwide to solve testing issues, run test (improvement) projects and train and coach testers.

Thanks to substantial investments in R&D, Polteq creates its own vision and solutions for new IT developments. In this way Polteq keeps innovating the company, its employees and, in fact, testing itself. As trendsetter and innovator in the international testing scene, Polteq reaffirms its roles as expert and pioneer.

Polteq is not only software testing specialist, but also market leader in test training. Through its own training institute, Polteq offers over 30 different courses, including certification training for ISTQB, TMap®, IREB and Certified Agile Tester in both Dutch and English.

Effective testing relies on proper requirements. Good and clear requirements are an important basis for each project, incorrect requirements are proven to be the main cause of project failures. That is why Polteq wholeheartedly embraced the IREB thoughts on requirements. Every tester should know about professional requirements engineering. Polteq is proud to build bridges between these disciplines.

Polteq Test Services B.V.
Printerweg 52
3821 AD Amersfoort
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 33 277 35 22
E-mail: info@polteq.com
Web: www.polteq.com


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