c/o WeWork Potsdamer Platz
Kemperplatz 1
10785 Berlin
Germany E-Mail: info@a4q.eu Website: alliance4qualification.info
The Alliance 4 Qualification has the mission to create globally leading content and certification schemes in an independent environment.
It was founded by different organizations with the aim to work independent from a specific exam provider or a specific training provider with a long-term focus on lifelong learning.
A4Q is a new independent place to strengthen quality in the field of training and certification.
In order to do so, it meets the highest standards of research and content creation to enable its customers to assume a leading role in the field of IT qualification. To reach its independence, A4Q neither offers own trainings nor can you order exams from it directly.
A4Q is neither a training provider nor an exam provider. It is the place to grow and build up new ideas fostering innovation and practical skills by reflecting the needs of the industry – an incubator for the future in the field of IT qualification in close cooperation with partners from industry, academia and politics. This initiative of excellence looks at both, existing and new schemes.
It aims to be a research center to create new career paths and to provide its customers with the latest knowledge in combination with a practical approach.
You can compare A4Q with an airport of ideas. It is the best place from which new ideas can start – independently from which organization they belong to.
A4Q is the new, independent education facility that generates high quality content for qualifications with innovative solutions that enable its partners to play a leading role in a fast changing world.